Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Priceless Christmas - Our Mission

Yes, it's that time of year again!
The Christmas season is upon us.
There is all the hustle and bustle of decorating, 
baking, shopping, parties, and more.
For some families, Christmas time is not that fun.
There is the heartbreak of parents who have to 
tell their children they will not have a 
Christmas this year, due to loss of employment, 
high bills, medical issues, etc.
This is why we are here.
We offer wonderful handmade items at a 
big discount, all year long, to be sure that many 
more children will have a Christmas miracle.
We use the funds from our sales to buy 
Christmas presents for children, 
and basic necessities for their families.
Why do we do this?  Because we've been there.
We realize that Christmas is not about presents,
but in celebration of God's Gift to us,
we recognize an opportunity to shower that 
gift of love on people who may never 
be able to pay it back.
And if they get back on their feet someday,
we hope that they will pay it forward,
and bring some hope to someone else
facing hard times.
Visit our website to find out how you can 
support our mission.  
Together, we can make a difference 
for families in need.

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Three new value boxes offered!

Thank you to all of our supporters!
Priceless Samples is able to provide Christmas presents to children in need, thanks to your support!

 We have three new box sizes available!
Get a wonderful assortment of handmade items at a low price on our website.  View the photos below for an idea of some of the various items that may be included in our sample boxes.
All purchases help further the Priceless Mission.

...And More!!!!!!!

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